Jackie Liu (b. 2003, Massachusetts) is a disabled Chinese American painter and storyteller studying Art Practice, Philosophy, and Environmental Justice at Stanford University. Living with Long Covid and a plethora of mental illnesses – including ADHD, anxiety, bipolar, depression, eating disorders, OCD, OCPD, and panic disorder – she responds to past and ongoing trauma with ferocious and irreverent joy, making art that both captures moments of joy and feels viscerally joyful to create. Her work explores joy, playfulness, humor, and gratitude as modes of resistance, as wellsprings of connection, as antidotes to despair, as grounds for our shared humanity. With oil paint layered over vibrant acrylic underpaintings, her intimately detailed portraits honor chosen family, memorialize moments of bliss, and elevate the minutiae of the everyday. By sharing her own stories of trauma and self-discovery, she aims to celebrate vulnerability, invite conversation about the often stigmatized, and foster communion and healing.